About us

Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

From our humble beginnings to becoming a beacon of educational excellence, our academic history is a testament to our dedication to providing an enriching learning experience. Over the years, we have continuously evolved, embracing cutting-edge teaching methodologies and leveraging world-class infrastructure to create an environment conducive to holistic growth. which are the right-fit for your target.

Trusted Partnerships at SVISSS

SVISSS fosters trusted collaborations to enrich educational experiences.

Professional Collaborative Endeavors

SVISSS promotes professionalism in all collaborative endeavors

SVISSS Award winning

Honored for Excellence in Education and Community Engagement.

Ask any time

We never fail for support for your child anytime.

Welcome to SVISSS

We drive positive change.

SVISSS is a premium educational institution with a very progressive world-class academic curriculum which is based on the best global practices.

SVISSS is revolutionizing the world of education to suit the unique needs of every learner by exploring every facet of learning. Based on the guidelines by CBSE and through challenging and holistic educational programmes, SVISSS develops young people to become confident individuals, effective leaders, successful learners and responsible global citizens.

Our commitment is to Inspire, Encourage and Guide our students to

  • Think: Be a creative, innovative and logical thinker
  • Learn:Take responsibility for learning and develop intellectual curiosity
  • Nurture:Discover, Value and Nurture the individual's area of excellence
  • Understand:Know others perspective and grow along
  • Lead:Imbibe strong ethics, rational decision making and leadership with a sense of team work
  • Communicate:Think, Speak and Write with precision, clarity and independence
  • Preserve:The tenacity to hold on to the aspirations against all odds
  • Adhere:Follow the principles and righteousness
  • Organise:Practice self-discipline, be organized and lead a healthy & balanced life

We aspire to provide best-in-class amenities, including

  • Expansive, pollution-free campus amid greenery with world-class facilities.
  • Exceptional student-to-teacher ratio of 1:15 ensuring personalized attention.
  • Focus on personality grooming and holistic development around the clock.
  • Innovative Multiple Intelligence Approach and scientifically designed curriculum.
  • Emphasis on practical learning with 20% of campus area dedicated to it.
  • Stress-free learning environment with a well-qualified, caring faculty.
  • Comprehensive facilities for sports, performing arts, fine arts, and co-curricular activities.
  • Modern learning infrastructure: Small Learning Communities, Digital Classrooms, Rich Digital Library, and more.
  • Safe, Wi-Fi enabled campus with diverse amenities including secure transport, on-demand food, and extensive laboratories.

S.V.I.S.S.S Shaping future leaders with excellence and diversity

  • Celebrates a culture of academic excellence and all-round child development.
  • Provides individualized attention to cater to diverse learning needs.
  • Employs talented, experienced, and dedicated teachers with linguistic and cultural diversity.
  • Emphasizes inclusive education with a committed team of student care professionals.
  • Offers an integrated curriculum from LKG, combining national and international standards.
  • Aims for outstanding academic results, sports, and co-curricular achievements.
  • Facilitates student exchange programs and community service starting from Class III.
  • Promotes Indian culture and values while fostering global citizenship.
  • Ensures a safe and secure learning environment focused on student well-being.
  • Provides high-quality student leadership opportunities, including exposure to leaders, innovators, and iconic personalities from all walks of life.

Our Esteemed Partners In Imparting Quality Education

At SVISSS, we strengthen the home-school connection, fostering a value system and enhancing learning. Open 3-way communication ensures active parental involvement, emphasizing the importance of school and education to children.


We as teachers, in whose care you place your child's early learning, take things forward; wearing several hats on the way; that of a guide, friend, & sometimes even of a parent and remain with them at every step of the way, facilitating new experiences, opening windows to the new world for them.

The Society

Learning is not just about what happens inside the school or home. Children also learn a lot from the society where they live-in along with their friends.

We understand it and provide platform for the positive exposure of children with the community around by field trips, undertaking social initiatives, sharing current affairs and most importantly arranging the interaction of students with experts and institutions in the community to enrich the learning experience and keep them wanting more.

Our Curriculum

We believe that real learning comes from action and from applying ones knowledge to real life situations. Keeping this in mind our curriculum is framed to expose our students to the academic and non-academic subjects that will help them to see the connection between each subject and encourage them to use their knowledge effectively. All our activities will support the optimum implementation of the curriculum. As per the directions by C.B.S.E.

We focus on making learning holistic for our students so that it helps developing the mind, body and spirit and they feel self-empowered in the pursuit of excellence.

Our early years programmes feature activities and equipment designed for the development of gross and fine motor coordination. Hands on activities that are suitable for children at this age are planned and combined into our daily routine. We celebrate individual uniqueness and encourage self-expression and exploration, while building strong foundations of love and safety.

The next stages of education are immensely important for every child, as it is here that the foundations of literacy, numeric reflection and thinking skills are laid down for the future. At SVISSS we aim to nurture skilled, confident children who are inquirers both within the classroom and in the world beyond. We address every facet of their existence – social, physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual – in addition to academics. To facilitate the best development in every child, we keep our class sizes manageable and student teacher ratio healthy.

The Primary and Middle school approach of experiential and student centric methodologies continues in the SVISSS’s Secondary Years. The school offers several options for the diverse choices available nowadays. Students are trained in such a way that they are ready for any board.

Our Methodology

We impart education by integrating proven, world-class teaching methods with modern infrastructure and technology. Our curriculum emphasizes on activity-based learning for which we create a suitable environment and focus on learning needs of each child rather than a predetermined set of pattern.

We add further value by inculcating a strong sense of discipline and hard work in our kids; thus nurturing them to be future ready to face global challenges. The school lays strong emphasis on constructivist approach where the child is encouraged to be the architect of her/his own knowledge and the mentor acts as a guide rather than an instructor.


We give students ample opportunity to explore their interests and cultivate unique strengths. We believe all children should have access to an exceptional, personalized education that enables them to live a happy and successful life.

Innovative Learning Techniques

A blend of projects, real life exposure, audio-visual demonstrations, classroom teaching, experiential learning, community visits and brainstorming activities are used to make learning more fun, thrilling and interesting.

Interdisciplinary Insight

SVISSS encourages interdisciplinary learning and avoid non-natural separation between subjects. Inspiring students to learn by doing, we promote a profound level of understanding. Teaching may originate in the classroom, but will continue on trips throughout the community, at home and even on family get-togethers.

Real World Exposure

We believe students learn most effectively when they can understand the concepts and more importantly their implementation to the real world. Our aim is to enable students to make meaningful connections and foster interest about the world we live in.

War with the Self

A child at SVISSS is always competing but not with others, rather this competition is with himself/herself. We always emphasize at learning right than learning fast. We do not let a child succumb to competition & rat race pressures, but we understand & respect that every child has his own optimal pace to learn. This results in a stress free environment where a child gets full freedom to grow individually.

Training for life

Following the age-old wisdom that looks at education as preparation for life, students are groomed to become better human beings and not just pass examinations. At SVISSSs efforts are taken to instill high moral and values along with necessary life skills in young minds.

Multiple Intelligences Approach

Different individuals have different aptitudes which is why, we at SVISSS employ the Multiple Intelligences approach. This method distinguishes the different aptitudes within each student thus making learning more individualized and effective.

Anywhere – Anytime Learning

Learning should not only be restricted to classrooms. SVISSS houses a special atrium in each academic building, aesthetically done with skylights and a glazed finish to enable infusion of natural light, making it a prominent place well suited for socializing and group learning.

These atriums and other such informal spaces around the campus act as knowledge centers for students and faculty alike. The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled so that students become aware from the outset that learning can and should be ‘Anywhere – Anytime’.

Social and Behavioural Counselling

Behavioural traits and perspectives on life influence their journey. So special care is taken to hone and nurture their social skills. This enables them to connect with different stages of society in a meaningful manner and achieve their highest potential.

The Society

Learning is not just about what happens inside the school or home. Children also learn a lot from the society where they live-in along with their friends.

We understand it and provide platform for the positive exposure of children with the community around by field trips, undertaking social initiatives, sharing current affairs and most importantly arranging the interaction of students with experts and institutions in the community to enrich the learning experience and keep them wanting more.


We make the most of the world outside by encouraging our students to go out and explore the treasures of their surroundings. Field trips are being organised to offer an opening for students to get exposure to "real" people and events and the opportunity to make connections with others. Students on field trips, visit people and places that they are not normally exposed to during the school days.

Creative Activities

Every child has their own true calling. It is our responsibility to encourage children to find it by guiding them and providing them with a platform. We encourage students to explore their creativity. Theatre, Art and Music form an integral part of our extra-curricular education.

Students are offered opportunities through regular multi-lingual assemblies, workshops and major public productions to present and perform.

A series of well-equipped art, design, music, dance, theatre, photography and filmmaking studios provide space and scope for workshops and rehearsals. The amphitheater, with full stage lighting and sound facilities, is the venue for bigger productions.

Fun and Games

We encourage students to participate in sports activities for enjoyment, relaxation and exercise. Sports are positive aids to educational development and are imperative for formation of a sense of self-worth in an individual.

Sports also play a key role in building team spirit. Every student is an ambassador of the true spirit of SVISSS, on and off the field. Students get an opportunity to experiment with a variety of sports that they wish to pursue, both to excel in or as a hobby.

Home School Agreement

Our students are at the centre of all we do in SVISSS. We acknowledge the accountability we have to ensure that they attain the highest standard possible in all facets of school life.

The Home-School Agreement outlines both our commitment to your child and our expectations on you as a parent.

Collaborate with SVISSS for a Remarkable Educational Process Today!
Our Mission

To be kept in different boxes-Tree Concept

We are committed to ensure that every child in our care is empowered to make choices and encouraged to contribute to the global community.

Our Vision

Fostering Compassionate, Educated Global Citizens

We are dedicated to fulfilling every child’s educational and developmental needs in a safe and caring environment conducive to learning and teaching. We aim to create responsible, global citizens who show understanding, compassion and acceptance of the differences in the world.

Our Values


Our values and attributes, which align with our guiding statements, are integral to creating a school culture and climate to realise our educational goals.
• Cleanliness • Compassion • Commitment
• Determination • Honesty • Integrity
• Perseverance • Respect • Responsibility
• Self-Discipline • Teamwork• Trust

Sure, here are a few examples of testimonials from a chairman in a CBSE school:

"It gives me immense pride to witness the dedication and commitment of our students, teachers, and staff at Sri Venkateshwara International Senior Secondary School. Their unwavering efforts continue to elevate our school's standards, making it a beacon of academic excellence."

"I am pleased to acknowledge the outstanding performance of our students, who have not only excelled in academics but have also demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities and a commendable spirit of community service."

"I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the faculty and staff for their relentless efforts in nurturing and shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. Their passion for teaching and mentoring is truly commendable."

"At Sri Venkateshwara International Senior Secondary School, we believe in fostering a holistic learning environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and innovation. I am proud to see our students thriving academically and personally under the guidance of our dedicated educators."

"The success of our school is a testament to the collective efforts of our entire school community, including parents, students, teachers, and administrative staff. Together, we continue to uphold the values of excellence, integrity, and inclusivity."

K. C. Karuppannan




Dear Parents, Students, and Visitors,

I am delighted to welcome you to Sri Venkateshwara International Senior Secondary School, a premier boarding cum co-education CBSE School where we strive for excellence in education and character development. As the Secretary of this esteemed institution, I am proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to shaping the minds and hearts of our students.

Our school's mission is to provide a holistic education that prepares our students for success in all aspects of life. We aim to create a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters academic excellence, creativity, and critical thinking. Our experienced and caring faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and innovative teaching methods ensure that our students receive the best possible education.

As a boarding school, we understand the importance of providing a safe and nurturing environment for our students. Our boarding facilities are designed to provide a comfortable and supportive home away from home, where students can grow and thrive.

I invite you to explore our website and discover the Sri Venkateshwara International Senior Secondary School difference. Learn about our academic programs, extracurricular activities, and student achievements. Meet our faculty and staff, and get a glimpse into our vibrant school community. Thank you for considering Sri Venkateshwara International Senior Secondary School as a partner in your child's educational journey.

Dear Parents, Students, and Visitors,

It’s a vision blossoming into reality and scaling new heights with every passing year. The school aims to be an institution of excellence, dedicated to producing leaders of the future.

Since our founding in 2011, CBSE Boarding School has redrawn and redefined the boundaries of intellectual and creative thought as a preeminent academic center. Our rigorous, multidimensional approach to education dissolves walls between disciplines and helps nurture progressive minds. Here at SVISSS, students have the academic freedom to shape their unique, individual paths for a complex and rapidly changing world.

We believe that education is the cornerstone upon which rests the character and personality of our children, society and our nation at large. Quality education is the biggest gift we can give our children the torch bearers of tomorrow; to ensure that the Nation’s torch is held aloft proudly. Harmonizing tradition and modernity, we have evolved organically. While academic excellence is of paramount importance, the school is also devoted to preparing our students for life, enriching them with the values of tolerance, fair play, compassion, integrity and fortitude to meet the challenges of this competitive world.

I am confident that SVISSS will always be a source of brilliance radiating ‘Knowledge, Strength and Compassion’ as it soars high in its pursuit of holistic excellence.

Mrs. Deborah Ann Fernando

PRINCIPAL MESSAGE Mrs. Deborah Ann Fernando
